Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Well…looks like I have done it again

So, as much as I tell myself “I will not stop blogging”…I stop blogging.  And again, I find myself apologizing to my readers because I have dropped the blogging ball again.   But I swear it isn’t my fault! I am blaming the earth for spinning to fast and making the days whoosh by and that leads to me turning another page on my calendar. Blink and it’s May and then the next day is June and oh wait a second it’s now July.    And then before I know it, I haven’t blogged in months.  Ugh!

I figured I would do what I always do and recap the last few months but I figure you might find that boring.  So, I am going to randomly looking my iBaby and the photos from the late April through now and post whatever I want.  As always, Pam101 has been hella busy and has the awesome photographic evidence to prove it.

Grab your coffee or cocktail (if you’re a true Pam101 fan…I know you are grabbing a cocktail), sit back and enjoy catching up on my life over these past few months.


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