Friday, March 18, 2016

Oh...don't you worry!

Birthday celebrations throughout the month of March....
As we all know...well the three of you that read Pam101 is my birthday month! And usually I celebrate all month long. I used to post my Birthday Wish List on Pam101 and hope that I would get it all...I sorta started one this year and realized that I seriously need nothing.  I'm not saying that I haven't celebrated myself and my awesomeness daily but I will admit that I eased up this year. I took the pressure of my friends and family mainly because I realize that I am truly the only one who enjoys celebrating birthdays (this excludes kids because we all know they can't wait to get older...silly silly little people). 

I have realized that most folks aren't excited about another year know that this is one more year closer to the end and that birthdays are something most folks want to ignore. 

Well, not this lady.

Sure, I not super excited about this whole "another year older" biz and sure I noticed a few more wrinkles in the eye area and sure I may have to walk down the steps a bit slower in the AM and sure if I ever decide that I might want a baby my eggs are not getting any younger but you know what...I woke up didn't I?

And that is why I like to celebrate my birthday (and pretty much all birthdays).  To me, it isn't about another year, another wrinkle, old eggs, back pain or the knee that always makes a weird's about the fact that I have had a whole new chapter to add to my amazingness.  A year that I know I did what I wanted to do,  go where I wanted to go...basically Carpe Diemed the hell out of the previous year.

And that is exactly what I will do for this next year...

Everyday that I roll out of bed is a great day...and this year when I turn "28 Again" will be an even better one!

Happy Early Birthday to me!

T-minus 8 days till I blow out the candles for real....

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