Monday, March 7, 2016

Cup of Tea

Some of Pam101's friends are big Downton Abbey fans.  I am a fan...however I am a whole season behind.  I binge watched for a bit and then took a break. And we all know that once I stop is super hard to start back up. 

But to celebrate Downton saying farewell...I hosted some of the ladies over for a spot of tea. 

And you know...I love to throw a party!  This one didn't disappoint!

Oh and I will admit to something that I have never EVER done for a Pam101 party...and I apologize to all my friends who live, eat and breath the way I plan my parties...BUT....I used (can't believe I am admitting this but) Silk Flowers!  I just knew what I wanted my centerpiece to look like and I knew I wouldn't be able to find these easily at my florist.

1 comment:

  1. Pam, this reminds me of our tea for the Royal Wedding. Back in 2011?!?! ohemgee.
