Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Selfish Yinzer Supper Club

Was it selfish of me to proclaim that March's Yinzer Supper club would have a theme of, "All About Pam"?   Perhaps.  I looked at the definition of selfish and while most of it is so not me the part about "...concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure" is semi true BUT only when it came to this party.

I had a vision.  A vision of Pink and Gold.  A  gorgeous floral filled table surrounded by amazing people... filling a room with laughter.  That is what I wanted.  And if that makes me selfish...that so be it.

Let's talk about my table.   When I started brainstorming out this party...I was determined to do something unlike anything I have done in the past.  I wanted to focus on cool centerpieces.  This lead me to my local Goodwill and grabbing hodgepodge shaped vases and a 6 pack of sherry glasses (that made excellent little vases).  I recruited some help from Pappa101 and asked him to use his spray-painting skills to add the gold element.   Being that my dad has his own workshop, space and time...I figure he wouldn't mind helping me (and he didn't...in his words, "took me 5 minuets".   

So, I knew I wanted gold vases...and then I decided I wanted to add other elements that represented me. This lead to buying some books and having them spray-painted gold  (I know I ruined the books but they did go to a great cause), I added a little Eiffel Tower, a Buddha head, a cute photo of my Mom as a kid and threw down some gold handcuffs (shout out to 50 Shades).  

I spent a lot of time debating on where to get my roses from.  I was going to order in bulk from the world wide web but was so on the fence because in my mind they would arrive and I would hate them. So, I decided to go to my local Giant Eagle grocery store and ordered 50 roses and a bunches of other filler flowers.  I couldn't have been more pleased with the quality of the roses. I mean...they smelled DELICIOUS. If heaven has a smell...it is either these roses or chocolate cake. Well, I guess Heaven is whatever you want it to be so my heaven smells like both.

I was thrilled with how the table turned out.  I bought fabric from JoAnn's (clearance bin) to add the pop of sparkle and pink, gold napkins with pink ribbon, and everyone got a Sarris Chocolate Covered Pretzel.

Now, let's talk menu.   I loved that the supper club all put thought into What Would Pam like? 
As the folks arrived...I made everyone a Champagne Cocktail...look at us so fancy with sugar cubes and bitters!  Our group loves to make some killer appetizers.  And this night was another home run.  We started the night with a charcuterie board, guacamole and chips, buffalo chicken dip and corn and bacon dip.   Everyone took a seat and we dug into our Wedge Salads.  Then the main course started.  Chicken enchiladas, Mediterranean bow tie pasta with sausage and chicken and of course we had a vegetable, asparagus (it just happened to be wrapped in bacon)!   Wine was consumed, cocktails were made and Miller Lites were distributed.  Dessert was amazing Snowball inspired cupcakes and a Pam101 fave, cakeballs.  Both were so delicious.

After dinner...I was surprised with a musical performance from some amazing flautists.  Kylie and Celeste busted out there middle school flutes and performed an amazing version (if not the slowest version) of Happy Birthday! Pretty sure they received a standing ovation.

In usual Yinzer fashion...the night lasted well into the early AM.  Dinner turned into a sleepover for most.  And as the sun came up and the ladies awoke...the laughs still continued (well laughs and complaints about how we maybe just maybe are getting a smidge too old for this behavior).  I mean we are 28!

I love this club that we have created. I love that once a month we all look forward to getting together and having a wonderful time.  Doesn't matter who hosts, what the theme is, who is invited...it is always such a good night. 

We all know I am lucky...but on nights like that...I am (hate to over use this word) blessed. 

PS- don't even get me started on how cute Hey Girl was in her party hat!


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