Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Back in the blogging saddle...again...well until I quit again

My blog is like my diet...I quit very easily and without much notice.
Well, the thing about the way I diet (and blog) is I can easily pick back up where I left off.

So, the last I posted was in October. Dang.  Let's recap the past few months shall we...
  • I started a new job at the end of September 2015. Not sure what I did right in my life to make all the stars align for that transition but whatever it was...Bravo!
  • Roadtripped to Oklahoma with Boo for a few days. Had a blast! Explored more of Route 66.
  • Did our annual trip to Jellystone with the family.
  • Had our first every Texburgh gathering! So so so much fun! Boo and her BFF, Mo, came in for a few days of Yinzer fun.  We all had the best time!!
  • Spent a few days over Thanksgiving in Florida with my family. 
  • The Pam101 family took a Disney cruise in December!
  • The Yinzer Supper Club is still going strong!  Favorite Things, Fork Free and Asian Adventure are just some of the few we have had.
  • Spent some time in Austin with Boo and her family. It had been almost 2 years since my last visit.  It's not secret I love it it so much I am going back in April for a few days.
  • And as always lots and lots of fun times with Lucy and Will.  I swear the Carnegie Science Center should know us by name.
I realized the other day that I do miss blogging. Miss telling the world wide web about whatever adventures I am taking (or trying to plan), the new things I am doing, the funny stories that I know you all enjoy...just sharing my overall awesomeness.

I think I have admitted in the past that the main reason I shelved blogging was because I totally TOTALLY got sucked into reading. And I don't mean pick up a book and read a few pages and then go about my day...I mean like I should throw myself an intervention because I am reading a book a day.  Now keep in mind these aren't books you will find on the NY Times best seller list- well maybe one or two were- but these are usually books suggested to me via Amazon (because as soon as you read one Motorcycle Club romance is encouraged to read them all.) And another problem with my obsession with reading is that I am a sucker for a series.  I get hooked on book one and the next thing I know I have downloaded everyone on my Kindle and I am reading at stoplights. 

I guess there are worse things to be addicted to.  But seriously at this point I am not even sure why I am paying for cable because I never have my TV on because I am reading.  I really need to look into doing book reviews.    This can't be just can't be.

I read so much that I hardly quilt anymore. Sure, I have a list of folks that I still need to make one for. I did get my 30th quilt made for Kylie's 30th birthday.  So, that was a success!

So, if I can set my Kindle down for just a few minutes a day...maybe I will get back to my blogging roots.  Here's hoping!

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