Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Green Thumbs and an Empty Wallet

I think most of you know I love to putter around my yard.  Maybe it's genetic but I think a love for yard work, green thumbs, beautiful flowers comes from both sides of my family. I mean sure, it hits your wallet hard and it is always a massive pain to figure out what is a weed and what is a flower but the end result always makes me smile (even if I do get some weird rash and think I might have a reaction to ripping out handfuls of mint).

This year is another good year in the world of Pam101's yard.  I have been doing some updates to a current flower bed situation and also splurged and did a front porch makeover.  And let me tell you the most wonderful addition to my yard (a second favorite addition is my metal Texas Longhorn) has to be the Jesus statue I took from my parents house (because why wouldn't they have a cement Jesus statue)! I spray painted him pink and he now resides in my back yard.  #blessed

Ha! That statue is so hilariously wonderful.  I mean...who else's yard would a pink Jesus with a big gold heart look good in!?


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