Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Holy Smokes...Summer just dropped the mic!

Yowizer!  Where in the world did summer go? Did you all think I fell off of the planet? I can't believe I haven't written since May. For my few readers, I am sorry.  I am still very much here, present, breathing and doing my thing.  This summer was the fastest in the history of the world.  I cannot wrap my head around the fact that it is September.    In true Pam101 fashion, I decided I should do a best of summer highlight reel.  This summer was a great one, lots of memories, so many laughs, so many calories consumed and even got myself a bit of sunshine on my cheeks!  I hope you and your crew enjoyed all the fun that only summertime can bring!

Best of June:
June in Southwestern PA was a very very rainy one.  I swear we only had about 2 days where it didn't rain.  Didn't really start summer off with sunshine and swimming.  While the sun might not have been shining ...everything else was happy and fun!   Here are June's highlights:

  • Lucy’s Dance Recital
  • Took Lucy to her first concert.  Not to shabby…Taylor Swift at Heinz Field!
  • Our sweet little Delaney celebrated her 1st Birthday
  • Will and Lucy entertaining us with lots of t-ball and softball games.
  • My best friend from college, Jared, got his baby “BigfootThe Movie” in theaters across Pittsburgh. It took him seven years to create this film and I couldn’t be prouder.
  • My friends Carissa and Joe got married and I had the best date ever. Dante spent the weekend with me and not only did he dance the night away with me the next night we went to see The Rolling Stones (thankfully it only rained leading up to the show). We took ourselves on a fancy hotel bar crawl before the show and even found ourselves in the downtown Burlington Coat Factory desperately searching for rain gear.
Best of July: 

July officially felt like summer.  The rain that we had all through June finally went away.  The sun was out, the kids were hitting the pool, vacations were fulfilled and again more calories were consumed.  I decided that this year was the year I was finally going back to Canada.  Dana’s family has a cabin in Blind River, Ontario and I was done coming up with excuses to not visit.  So, after 13 years I finally made my way back up to the great north to visit a place I love.  12 hours driving each way and I would do it again tomorrow to have the perfectness that is Dana’s cabin and lake.  We celebrated Kylie’s ½ birthday (she is a December baby and those kids have to compete with Christmas so we wanted to celebrate her now too), went to a few Pirate games, enjoyed all that Pittsburgh had to offer and like I said…even got a bit of a tan! Heck yes, July!
Oh! And McHottie had her second baby in July!! Baby Harrison arrived on July 12th! Can’t wait to meet the little man!

  • Happy 4th of July! 
  • Dad completed the kids tree-house
  • Celebrated Kylie’s ½ birthday
  • Happy 4th of July
  • Pirate game with the familia
  • Heinz Picklesburg Festival
  • Brunch at the Grand Concourse
  • A whole week in beautiful Canada!

Best of August:

I had been looking forward to August for a long time. My friends Stephanie and Ben were coming to visit for a few weeks. They are the friends who got married in France last December.  Ben would be here for a week and Steph for two.  Two whole weeks with a BFF who I only get to see once a year! So flipping excited!  So many plans were made, an amazing dinner party was thrown, an Outlander marathon happened and so so many laughs.  What a great way to slowly wrap up summer.  The kids started school, Lucy to 4th grade and Will to 1st.  Cute little buggers.  Lucy turned 9 on August 25th- holy moly! And now that the munchkins are back in school it does feel like summer is wrapping up.  A few of us older cool kids went out in Lawrencville to celebrate Jeremy’s 40th birthday and unofficially close up summer for us grown-ups. My crew is mostly teachers so they too are back in school.   Jared is still in Pittsburgh promoting Bigfoot The Movie, so the two of us got all dolled up and went to a fancy launch party. I felt like I was as tall as a yard gnome.  

  • Steph and Ben visited for 2 weeks! Amazing meals, lots of cocktails, Pirate Game and much much more.
  • Dinner party for my guests
  • Took the kids to see Cinderella at the Benedum Center
  • Ring the School Bell! Time to go back to the classroom!
  • Lucy celebrated her 9th birthday

Some of my favorite faces of summer 2015 

Did I mention A LOT of calories were consumed this summer? 

And that wraps up my highlight reel of Summer 2015.  Everyday was filled with something fun. Oh and I didn't even mention all the books I read. Sheesh! Don't get me started on the books.  That is it's own post.  Per my normal...I pledge to start writing more.  I think I took an involuntary step back from Pam101 to just enjoy all that summer had to offer me.  

The only bummer about this summer was I never got Roxie out.  I think I will have to get her on the open road this Fall.  She like me...can't be still for too long!

Happy last few days of summer, folks!

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