Friday, May 22, 2015

One giant post...since I have been MIA

Holy Moly Ya’ll! How in the world has it been a month since I last wrote? It can’t possibly be almost the end of May already? What the hell time! Slow your rotation! 

I figure the easiest way to catch everyone up is just to do one monster post. And being that only a few readers are genuinely interested in where in the world Pam101 has been, I figure one biggie is better than a handful of shorties (Someone make a funny sex joke about that line). 

Anyhoo- Life updates: 

Pam101 and her crew celebrated Big brother’s 38th birthday at the end of April. And quilt #26 was presented, pretty sure he liked it. April closed out with lots of family time, dinners, smiles, laughs and sunshine. Spring was in the air so my garden was in full bloom. And so far, May has brought us lots of happiness as well. Will turned 6 and had a great party,  Day trip to Berkeley Springs, WV to see my cousin who is currently stationed overseas, Pirate games, Yinzer Supper Club, Lucy and Will have rocked school programs and spring sports... Crazy to think that we have a 4th and 1st grader here soon. Eek! Oh and don’t even get me started on how amazing AMAZING the Ed Sheeran concert was! He is right up there with JT as one of my favorite music experiences! 

What else has been happening…I got a new car, I try to wear lipstick everyday, I have been planting lots of flowers, reading way to many smutty books (might throw myself an intervention, recently read Pucked and it was hilarious) and possibly could be losing my job (where I work just got purchased so I have a feeling a reorg/removing/resolving will be happening. I mean it has to happen so we will see what it means for me.) Crazy to think that I have been through this before but seriously who at the age of 28 (ok 35) wants to have to start over AGAIN! My gypsy blood is kicking in and I want to ditch it all and just travel. Stupid mortgage, stupid responsibilities! So overrated. No matter what…we know my cup is half full so all will be fine. 

Memorial Day weekend is just a few short hours away and Pittsburgh is looking to have some lovely weather. Which means tomorrow when I am tailgating before the Pirate game I won’t have a care in the world! Now that is something that will be blog worthy! Enjoy the pics, folks! I’ll be in touch! 



 Happy 38th Birthday Big Brother!  Hope you enjoy your quilt!  

Celebrating Birthday's!  Big Brother and Will turned 6 on May 5th!  Yea!!!

 Happy Spring Ya'll!  Now...if the weeds weren't taking over I would be set!
 Day trip to Berkeley Springs, WV.  Got some great time in with my cousins and the weather couldn't have been any more perfect!  Also got to pop into my favorite Artist's gallery.  Jonathan Heath (and his wife Jan) is an amazing painter and I am now the proud owner of 2 giant canvases.  Makes me happy every time I look at them.
 Batter up! Nothing like a perfect night for a ballgame! Oh and it was Gnome night!

Yinzer Supper Club was again a major success in May! Big thanks to Melanie and Jeremy for hosting us fools.  This dinner we finally figured out how to use a Selfie Stick. WATCH OUT NOW!  Booze, food, cute kids and lots of laughs! 

 We celebrated Will's 6th Birthday with a bowling party for him and all his amazing friends!  Great time!  We ended the day with a family outing to the Pirate game.  Poor Will was sick and slept the whole time. But Lucy, Haley (her BFF) and I had a great time! Oh and it was firework night!!

 Ed Sheeran was AMAZING!!
 Spring sports have been keeping us all busy.  But how cute are those little people!  Will's team is called the Starbusters! So far this season I have yelled, "Dustbusters" and "Stardusters". 
 Lucy and Will have both had stellar school years.  The teachers love them and both have rocked it!

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