Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Things I am currently into

1. Toms  (Dear Santa, you can't go wrong getting me a pair).

2. Wanting a bike. I had one in DC and sold it. I never EVER used it. But I feel like I would use one now. 
3. Wanting to make a giant, awesome and glittery Halloween wreath. Searching Etsy for inspiration. Recruiting my sister-in-law to help me with this project. Time to dust off the hot-glue guns. Maybe every Pam101 reader should have a Halloween wreath making day and send me all their photos! Here is some crafty inspiratioin! 

4. Want to check out the Great Allegheny Passage this fall. Maybe take my bike there?!

5. InStyle's Fall Fashion issue has arrived. I want every single thing I see. Must win Powerball. Must lose 100 pounds. Must burn magazine so I can't stop the depression. 

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