Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Little Girl Talk From Pam101: My body, My right

Pam101 usually steers clear of politics. I just have my opinions and tend to keep them to myself.  But after this week's comments from Missouri Republican Representative Todd Akin on "legitimate rape", I felt like I needed to say something.  

As a woman, let me clarify, a strong independent democratic woman, I feel that absolutely NO ONE can tell me what i can and cannot do with my body.  Last time I checked, it is mine. I own this body.  I can do with it as I please.  And no one, especially some man, who I don't know, who I didn't vote for, should have the right to tell me what to do with it. 

And here we are gearing up for another election. One that is proving to be difficult. Where masses of people actually believe in their heart of hearts that it is OK for someone to make decision for you.  How is that right? How is that fair? Who gives them the right to decide whether or not a woman can get an abortion or birth control?

Bottom line is: it isn't right and isn't fair.

I saw that McHottie had posted this article on her FB page, so I read it, and I was moved. It is some powerful stuff. I encourage all of you to read Even Ensler's opinion piece on the Huffington Post.  You can find it by clicking HERE. 

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