Monday, March 28, 2016 we wrap up another birthday

Well...that's a wrap on another birthday.
You guys want to know a secret?
I am not 28.
I know...I tell you lies.
It's hard for me to believe this but I am 36.
Holy Moly.
36 amazing years.
I rang in 36 surrounded by my wonderful friends and family.
The day started off with my nephew telling me he thought I was 100...
I got birthday hugs from my lifelong BFF....
I did some much needed yard work with help from my Dad...
I went and saw Superman vs. Batman with the worlds most amazing big brother...
I had a lovely birthday party thrown by my niece and sister in law....
I had the coolest cake ever...complete with a photo of Hey Girl...
During my birthday month, I received some perfectly Pam10 gifts!
I love the framed Hillary Clinton Garbage Pail Kids cards my brother got me.
The Roxie look alike birdhouse from Mel and Jeremy is already in a tree in my yard.
The gifts from Kylie are already in use....
And I can't wait to prepare some meals for these amazing people from my new cookbook!
I will do this while wearing one of the great scarves my Mom got me.
Oh and how great is the Yinzer Suppler Club tea towel Nora got me!
So, as you can see it was a pretty perfect Birthday and Birthday Month!
Maybe next year I'll turn 29...

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