Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Little Girl Talk from Pam101: Choices and Decisions

Life is nothing but choices and decisions.
Have you ever thought about that?
From the minute we wake up until we go to bed we are making nothing but choices.
What am I wearing? Hair up or hair down? Salad or burger?  Take the phone call? Shave your legs? Join Match.com? Make dinner? Cut the grass? Sell your condo?

Sell your condo?

Yep, you heard me right.  This is the one choice that I am flip-flopping on about 100 times a day.  One moment I am 99% sure that I am going to sale and then that 1% slowly creeps over and spirals into 50%.

I am probably one of the most indecisive people you will ever meet.  I am not a good decision maker.

And this condo thing is probably one of the biggest decisions I have ever had to make.

Because how do you know you are making the right choice?  You can weigh all of the pros and cons. Pros: It's a sellers market, DC is a hot real estate market, I would make a profit, I have emotional said good bye to DC.  Cons- I will be walking away from an investment.

That is the only con.  But here is my justification to that con.  I will not make money off of this condo until I am almost 60. That is when my mortgage is up.  Does it make sense to hang onto a property for that long?  Maybe it does.  But for me...I feel as if I have made a decision.

I want to sell.  It's the right time. (even as I type that I feel that 1% uneasiness creep in)

Now, if only I can get my Dad to support this decision.  Because as of right now he isn't talking to me.  I want him to be on the same page with me on this.   I think I have said before that Papa101 and I are so much alike it is a problem. I understand where he is coming from and I just wish he would see my point.

I'll keep working on that.

For now...know that I feel as if I have made a big big decision. One that is bittersweet.

PS- if you are not a fan of choices don't go to Cheesecake Factory. WAY WAY WAY to many choices.
PSS- I picked the lipstick photo because this is another example of choices.  So many lipstick choices and I usually decide upon chapstick.


  1. I am actually a superb decision maker and I think it is because of this one thing: I HAVE LEARNED TO COMPLETELY TRUST MY INTUITION. I know when I'm right and I know when something feels wrong, and when it's right, you move forward. If you think you need to sell, don't second guess - sell, and move forward.

  2. It’s normal to be ambivalent about this thing, though, I must admit the constant reversal of decisions can get exhausting. In the mean time, believe that your papa knows better. But if the thought still nags you days after, talk to him again and try to win this time. Back up your reasoning with statistics, if you can. Good luck!
